Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Be the Man!"

“Is it in you?” That’s the marketing hook for Gatorade. They depict nearly superhuman endurance and strength to those who pour their concoction into their thirsty bodies. It’s an add-in, to be added to the other products that are add-ons. But for the Christ-follower there is no need to go searching for strength and power to add in or to add on. It IS in you. It’s built in, and alive. It’s inexhaustible and ever-ready. It’s the Holy Spirit. Do you recognize how to unleash this Spirit of Christ in you today? Unsmother Him. Give Him the air of your open and clean heart. Fuel His fire with the truth of the Word. He will be ablaze within you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently heard a sermon that used 1st Thessalonian 5:19 as its central text. The illustrations of a wood stove was great. I clearly understand how easy it is to smolder, as in having a fire that burns within but gives no heat to others. It will take opening the dampers to get the fire to burn hot, as well as new fuel to keep it going. My problem is I don't have time to 'cut wood', I can barely keep family fed. Even in this struggle, I can tell some amazing stories of God's intervention to keep this weary soul plodding along but oh it would be nice to be quiet by the fire.